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Total darkness in a sentence

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Sentence count:19+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2018-08-27Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: darknessin darknesssemidarknessstarknessnatal daytotaltotallyin totalMeaning: n. total absence of light. 
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1. Driving through the total darkness was a slightly surreal experience.
2. The room was in total darkness.
3. At that instant the museum was plunged into total darkness.
4. The house was plunged into total darkness when the electricity was cut off.
5. She was working in almost total darkness.
6. The graveyard was in total darkness.
7. Twilight merged into total darkness.
8. The house is kept in almost total darkness with a special membrane to block out ultra-violet light covering all the windows.
9. They were surprised to find the house in total darkness.
10. He cried out, suddenly aware he was in total darkness, the smashing of stone joining the cry.
11. And when we die, its nothing, its total darkness.
12. The city was plunged in total darkness when the entire electrical system failed.
13. They formed a small aura of light, leaving both ends of the room in total darkness.
14. Play around the centre spot was fast and furious, though the ground was in total darkness everywhere else.
15. One ordinary Ecosphere managed to stay alive in a total darkness for six months, contrary to logical expectations.
16. John's lamp light lasted for the first few hours of his entombment and from then on he was in total darkness.html
17. He said he was lucky the airport had a back-up system of its own generators -- otherwise he would have to try to land in total darkness.
18. A built-in illuminator allows us-ers to see clearly, even in total darkness. The viewer runs on a single AA battery for up to 60 hours and is water and fog resistant.
19. Etioplast A modified chloroplast formed from proplastids in leaves grown in total darkness.
More similar words: darknessin darknesssemidarknessstarknessnatal daytotaltotallyin totalsubtotaltotaledaccidental damagetotalizetotalityteetotaltotal losssum totaltotallingto talk biggrand totaltotalizertotal costteetotallertotal pricetotal outputteetotalertotal energytotal assetstotal amounttotal revenuetotal eclipse
Total 19, 30 Per page  1/1 
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